英文名稱 u-blox
中文名稱 新加坡商優北羅股份有限公司台灣辦事處
網址 www.u-blox.com
電話 886-2-26571090
傳真 886-2-26571097
成立年份 0
郵遞區號 114
地址 (11492)台北市內湖區基湖路35巷16號3樓之3
聯絡人 鄧志浩
Email info_tw@u-blox.com
主要產品 產品線: ・Cellular chips and modules: u-blox offer high quality, scalable, and secure cellular modules for the automotive, industrial, and consumer markets with demanding size, cost, and quality requirements. Supported cellular technologies provide global geographic coverage and include 2G, 3G, NB IoT, LTE-M, LTE Cat 1 and 4G LTE modules. ・Short range radio chips and modules: u-blox's short range components and software help you achieve a short time-to-revenue with efficient use of your own engineering team. Robustness, security, and flexibility are key, with powerful development tools and a global ecosystem of certification and technical support. ・Positioning chips and modules: u-blox's positioning modules, SiPs, chips, and antennas set the benchmark in performance, with quick delivery of accurate position data. Our wide portfolio includes standard precision, high precision, precise timing, and dead reckoning solutions. ・IoT Communication-as-a-Service: u-blox's bearer-agnostic approach to getting data from IoT devices to the enterprise is simplified through the availability of three complimentary products. ・These products are built on top of the foundation of our scalable, high-performance MQTTbroker and powerful Data Flow Manager, allowing simple processing, transformation, and integration of messages into the enterprise. ・IoT Security-as-a-Service: u‑blox's innovative IoT security solution makes it extremely simple to protect your data, both on the device and during the transmission of data from the device to the cloud. This ensures that you can focus on your business and enjoy faster time-to-market. ・We implement a true end-to-end concept where data is protected from the device to the end-user and visible by the intermediate nodes/platforms nor by the service provider. ・IoT Location-as-a-Service: GNSS users expect instant position information. With standard positioning this is often not possible because at least four satellites must be identified, and their complete data received. Under adverse signal conditions, data downloads from the satellites to the receiver can take minutes, hours, or even fail altogether. Performance can be improved by complementing the GNSS receiver data with information from mobile network cells that can benefit numerous applications.
大中華區據點 新加坡、台北、北京、上海、重慶、深圳